A R T I S T   S T A T E M E N T

L  Y  N  E  T  T  E    O ' K  A  N  E


The work of Lynette O’Kane investigates the concepts of time, change and transformation. The materials, including plasters, minerals and paints, convey an earthy surface of distressed textures.  The alternating layers of sanded  plasters allows a conversation between what is hidden and what is revealed.  The surfaces speak to the alteration of matter through aging and the weathering elements, contributing to the material’s language of metamorphosis from and to death and decay.

“My soul would sing of metamorphoses,

But since, o gods, you were the source of these

bodies, becoming other bodies, breathe

your breath into my book of changes: may

the song I sing be seamless as its way

weaves from the world’s beginning to our day”

Ovid, Metamorphoses

Lynette O’Kane is a Taos  based artist with an extensive exhibition history.  Her works have been shown both nationally and internationally, including  exhibits in New York, Los Angeles, Munich and Frankfurt Germany. She has obtained numerous commissions, both private and public, including a Percentage for the Arts commission in Kodiak Alaska, a public commission from the Center for the Study of Applied Ethnicity at Colorado State University and most recently, a commission for the private dining area at the Ritz Hotel in Bachelor Gulch Avon, Colorado. Lynette was the sole 2018 Artist in Residence at the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Reserve.